
The Call to Political Life


The toxic nature of the current political debate in our country is uninspiring to say the least. The presidential debates have taken on such a caustic tone that parents do not even want their children to watch what is supposed to be a lesson in civics. We are bombarded daily with media reports of the alleged past uninvited groping by one candidate and potential criminal email activity and anti-Catholic bias of the other candidate. Many level-headed people agree that they are not confident in either of the two major candidates. It is a sad state of affairs.

But the dark cloud hovering over the pending election is a reminder to Catholics, especially young Catholics, to consider embracing the important call to serve in political life. The Church does not eschew politics; rather, the Church upholds and esteems the lay vocation to serve in politics in order to promote the common good of society. In the words of Pope Francis, “We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern.”

There are many faithful Catholics who dedicate themselves to the common good by serving in politics. They promote and uphold the dignity of every human life; they speak out in defense of marriage and family; they work to help the poor and disadvantaged; and they promote peace. Our hope is that more faithful Catholics will consider serving in politics, for God knows we need them!