The season of Lent begins

Turning our hearts to the Father


PROVIDENCE — Bishop Thomas J. Tobin presided over the blessing and distribution of ashes at noon Mass at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on Wednesday, March 1, an Ash Wednesday tradition he said during his homily symbolizes the spiritual commitment Catholics make during the season of Lent. The Mass was celebrated ad orientem, meaning "toward the east," a traditional and optional form of celebrating the Liturgy of the Eucharist during which the priest turns to face the same direction as the people. "I’ve chosen to celebrate the Holy Mass that way today because it symbolizes so well what we’re trying to do with the season of Lent," Bishop Tobin explained during his homily. "Together during our prayer, you and I together will be turned to the Lord. Together, you and I will be converted as we strive to move from a life of sin to a life of grace."