An Important Voice of Support


On Friday, January 24, Donald Trump became the first sitting United States president to attend and speak at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. (Other pro-life presidents in the past have sent pre-recorded messages or spoken from off-site). Trump’s speech that day was strong, clear and happily devoid of the vitriol that is frequently present in his public remarks. He summed up his message well when he said, “All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish and defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life.”
It is always both encouraging and inspiring when public figures express their support for the pro-life cause. Consequently, you can be sure that hundreds of thousands of American citizens were both encouraged and inspired during this year’s march — and especially by the President’s words — to continue to fight for the right-to-life of every human being, from conception until natural death.