Letter to the Editor

Father Kiley’s words of wisdom right on the mark

To the Editor:


I just finished reading Father Kiley's column regarding Christianity's enemy (“Secularism, not other religions, is Christianity’s true enemy,” RI?Catholic, Oct. 11, 2007.) I must say that is the best description I have ever read on the topic. My own opinion is that secularism will eventually bring down the United States if it is not stopped and stopped soon. All the things we value dearly such as family, faith, love, understanding and, yes, religion, will in time be just a passing memory.

Why our politicians decry the value of God in our everyday lives mystifies me completely. Do they forget that this country was founded on Christian principles? We have become a nation that is spoiled beyond belief by all the comforts we enjoy.

It behooves each and every one of us to become involved. We must get off our comfortable recliners and participate in the political and religious activities to insure that this nation will not fall into this secular trap. If we truly claim to be Christians, then we must follow the words of Father Kiley and go out and spread the word.

Again, I commend Father Kiley for his brilliant foresight. Of all the columns and writing in The RI Catholic, I find his words of wisdom to be right on the mark. I pray that everyone who reads the paper will take his words to heart and spend some time praying and meditating on the problems that confront us today in this secular-leaning country. God Bless America and Father Kiley.

Harold L. Trafford
