letter to the editor

Kudos to Fr. Lennon for his stand on attire


To the Editor:

I want to applaud Father Lennon for his excellent commentary: “Oh, thou slob! Thine attire at church proclaims who thou art” (June 28, 2007). Obviously, I agree wholeheartedly with Father Lennon’s observations and urge parents to be the exemplary role models all children rightly deserve.

Teaching our children to attend Mass regularly and to always dress appropriately for church (yes, even during the summer) is an obligation that we have not only to our children but to our society. There are certain behavioral norms and traditions that we inherited from our forebears that are worth passing on to younger generations – dressing appropriately for church is one of those traditions that I would like to see revived in our present-day culture.

Thank you, Father Lennon!


East Providence