
Saints’ Messages


Thanksgiving Day will be next week, so this prayer from St. Francis of Assisi entitled “The Praises of God Most High” is offered in Thanksgiving:

You are the holy Lord God who alone does wonders;

You are strong, you are great, you are most high.

You are powerful, you holy Father, King of Heaven and Earth,

You are three in one, the Lord God of gods.

You are the good, the whole good, the highest good.

Lord God, living and true.

You are charity, you are wisdom, you are humility;

You are patience, you are security;

You are repose; you are joy and gladness;

You are justice and temperance;

You are overflowing richness;

You are beauty; you are meekness;

You are the protector; the guardian; the defender;

You are the strength, you are the refuge;

You are the hope; you are the faith; you are the love.

You are our entire delight.