PROVIDENCE — In an atmosphere of fervent devotion to Our Lady of Altagracia, patroness of the Dominican people, Most Rev. James Ruggieri, Bishop of Portland, Maine, visited his native Rhode Island on Jan. 21 to celebrate a Mass at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, where parishioners from different parishes gave testimony of their great love for the mother of our Lord.
The Holy Mass (preceded by the recitation of the Rosary) was held on January 21, the day of the Virgin of Altagracia, which means high grace.
Bishop Ruggieri celebrated the Mass, with several concelebrating priests, including Monsignor Albert A. Kenney, diocesan administrator, who also welcomed everyone in Spanish.
Bishop Ruggieri shared in his homily a message of unity and hope.
“A mother unites her children from all over the world,” he said. “She is directing us to her son; our devotion has to spring forth with the love for Jesus.”
The bishop also challenged those present to bring this devotion to the Virgin of Altagracia to the streets, to their homes, to their jobs and give a vibrant testimony of our faith in Jesus Christ.
Also present were Deacons Juan Perez, from St. Michael the Archangel, Eduardo Birbuet, from St. Patrick, Jose Baez from Blessed Sacrament and Vicente Caban from St. John the Baptist.
At the conclusion of the Mass, the director of the Virgin of Altagracia Committee, José Pimentel, presented a plaque of recognition to Bishop Ruggieri.
He also thanked musical director Silvio Cuéllar, who directed a diocesan choir from six different parishes, and the director of the office of Hispanic Ministry, Celso Vera, for his collaboration and support.
Pimental also acknowledged the Legion of Mary for the organization of the Novena to the Virgin and the prayer of the Rosary; the Knights of Columbus, for their accompaniment in the procession; the liturgical ministers for their service and cathedral staff and all the members of the community who made the celebration, a special devotion of the Dominican people, possible.
After the Mass, the participants went down to the cathedral hall to share some appetizers and conversation. Many people took advantage of the moment to greet and take photos with Bishop Ruggieri on his first visit since being installed as the Bishop of Portland.
The fervent devotion to the Holy Mother of God, under the title of Altagracia, is very strong among Dominicans who live in Rhode Island.
For Altagracia Santos, this celebration was: “A very special joy, I grew up with the belief in this beautiful woman.”
For her part, Ana Altagracia Vásquez said: “I am a faithful follower and devotee of the Virgin; now I have the opportunity to go to Mass every day to be closer to her and her son.”
“I am a devotee of her, wherever the Virgin Mary is, I am present there; it is a celebration of our mother in heaven who embraces us, she is my Virgin of Altagracia,” Felipa Báez said.