Blessed Anniversaries: Sister Lillian Guy


Fifty women and men religious in the Diocese of Providence are celebrating anniversaries of 75, 70, 65, 60, 50 and 25 years of religious life in the year 2010. They will be honored on Sunday, April 18, 2010 at the 1:00 p.m. Mass in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence. Bishop Thomas J. Tobin will preside and deliver the homily.

A reception for the jubilarians and their guests will follow in the cathedral hall. The annual jubilee celebration is sponsored by the diocesan Office for Religious and the Council of Religious.

Sister Lillian Guy entered the Religious of Jesus and Mary on August 15, 1933, and made her first profession of vows on August 17, 1935. She taught in elementary schools in Fall River, Massachusetts; Goffstown, New Hampshire; Woonsocket, and Cumberland. In 1989 she retired from teaching and moved to St. Timothy’s Convent in Warwick where she volunteered as a CCD teacher.

She also ministered to babies with AIDS and children with cancer at Hasbro Children’s Hospital and shared her talent for sewing with the poor at the Pilgrim Senior Center. Sister Lillian now resides at St. Antoine Residence in North Smithfield.