Father Ranallo installed as pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish


On Sunday, Nov. 20, Father Albert Ranallo was officially installed by Auxiliary Bishop Robert C. Evans as the pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish. Several former pastors of the parish were in attendance during the Holy Mass, which was celebrated by Bishop Evans, with Father Ranallo as concelebrant. Bishop Evans’ homily began by emphasizing the fact that the reception of a new pastor is a gift from God.

“Today is a day of joy for this parish dedicated to the patronage of St. Francis of Assisi,” said Bishop Evans, “not so much because of anything we chose to do, but because of what God chooses to do.” “By solemnly installing a new pastor, we acknowledge the continued guidance and protection of the Good Shepherd, who promised that He would not leave us orphans, but give us shepherds after His Own Heart,” Bishop Evans continued, noting that the primary role of a pastor is to lead “the People of God in this parish to the Kingdom of God.”

At the end of Mass, Father Ranallo offered a series of remarks thanking those in attendance and those who helped to organize the event. “I’m very grateful and honored to be your pastor,” said Father Ranallo. “In the short time I’ve been here, I know that this parish family, St. Francis church, it’s not in name only. There are many active ministries that serve God and serve His People.”