Holy Name of Jesus Parish rededicates church


PROVIDENCE— Parishioners of Holy Name of Jesus Church braved the snow and the frigid cold to fill their parish chapel and celebrate the nearly finished renovations of their church building on Camp Street in Providence’s East Side.

The church has recently been updated with new paint, lighting, marble furnishing, and a nearly completed new heating system.

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin presided over the celebration and began by leading the congregation in a blessing of the renovated church. Then, the congregation moved into the church’s Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel where Mass was held because the heating system was still being installed in the main church.

Bishop Tobin addressed the congregation and praised them for their support in the renovation efforts.

“It has come a long way,” said Bishop Tobin. “It is the work of the Lord but also the work of God’s people, which is why we thank you for your support; not just your financial support but also your spiritual support to come together in a way that will serve this church for years to come.”

The rededication celebration coincided with the Epiphany of the Lord celebration and Bishop Tobin spoke during his homily about the epiphany and how it is reflected in the lives of the congregation.

“We can find our meaning through this story,” said Bishop Tobin. “Our meaning and fulfillment can be found in Christ alone and that’s the truth that the Magi represent to us.”

Parish trustee and President of the Rhode Island Rotary Club John Daluz also spoke during the mass, thanking the Bishop for presiding over the ceremony and expressing hope that the renovations will help in the evangelization efforts of the church.

“There were a lot of meetings and a lot of hard work that resulted in what is seen when you enter the church,” said Daluz. “I think it can go a long way and hopefully these renovations that have been made can help to bring people back to the church.”

Holy Name of Jesus pastor, Father Joseph Santos, Jr., echoed this sentiment by saying the church renovations are tied to the larger efforts of the diocese in this year of evangelization.

“These renovations should help in the ongoing call for evangelization that the bishop and the Church in Rhode Island have been making this year,” said Father Santos. “I’ve been saying since the start of the renovations that hopefully the signs of renewal on the outside will be accompanied by inside signs of renewal.”

The renovations to the church add a fresh look to an already impressive structure. The Holy Name of Jesus Church was built in imitation of the basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls, one of the five major basilicas in Rome.

The newly updated paint scheme matches the golden coloring found in this Roman basilica. Complimenting the painting is the new lighting system, which illuminates the detailed appointments along the walls and ceiling of the building.

The parishioners in attendance were clearly impressed with the renovations done on the church.

“I think they did a great job with the renovations,” said parishioner Carol Collins. “It’s just very beautiful.”

The Holy Name of Jesus parish traces back to 1882, when area Catholics held mass in a hall located along what is now North Main Street.

The current Holy Name of Jesus Church building was originally designed in 1896 and built in 1900.

The last restorations on the building took place from 1965-1967 after the church was damaged by fire.