2007 Catholic charity fund appeal

Increased donations are an ‘act of God’ at St. Patrick


PROVIDENCE – For some, giving 110 percent is just an expression. For the parishioners at St. Patrick Parish on Smith Hill in full view of the State House, it is nearly a reality.

In this year’s charity fund appeal, the parish, which serves both the English-speaking and the Spanish-speaking communities, gave 109 percent of its goal. Their goal for 2007, based on their 2006 performance as well as other factors, was $29,321. Father James Ruggieri says the parish is home to 700 families, some of whom are not registered, but still gave. Many of the donations were in the form of modest, one-time gifts.

Chairpersons Ruth Lynch and Terry Leblanc have worked on the appeal for the past four years and have seen their parish’s donations rise steadily.

Lynch attributes success to Fr. Ruggieri.

“It’s due to the pastor and his optimistic attitude,” she said. But Father Ruggieri was quick to shift the limelight from himself. “I really can’t take credit,” he said, “I credit God and I credit the people. It’s a collective effort. It’s not like someone gave $10,000 and that took care of one-third.”

“We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary,” agreed Leblanc. “Every dollar helps.”

Father Ruggieri said he gives one lengthy pulpit appeal, then only briefly reminds the parish about the appeal during each Mass and the envelopes are available in the pews. “They pledge what they think they can give,” said Lynch.

St. Patrick benefits directly from the appeal through a Hispanic ministry grant. That, in turn, helps parishioners to put the appeal “in the context of the work of the Diocese.”

The generosity of the parishioners is what really impresses the three. When making his pulpit appeal, Fr. Ruggieri said he tried to impart the idea that giving is “an opportunity... to be a good steward.”

And it was an opportunity that many people took. “I think in general it’s a generous parish,” said Lynch. “In money we’re not wealthy, but in faith and hospitality we’re rich.”

St. Patrick has a 12-person stewardship committee and holds annual stewardship fairs that give parishioners the opportunity to learn about the various ministries and become involved. Last year alone, 87 new volunteers were recruited.

Fr. Ruggieri hopes these programs and volunteer recruitment will “raise consciousness that we’re gifted by God.”

In the end, Father Ruggieri said his parish’s performance during this year’s appeal was “an act of God,” and that the generosity of the people he serves is no longer surprising.

He beams when talking about his parishioners, and said he didn’t doubt they would meet their 2007 goal. “I was optimistic,” he said. “You’re always optimistic,” said Leblanc.