It’s time for Catholics to speak out, vote and keep up the fight



Catholics are natural born fighters. Let’s look at the sacrifice, the saints, and ourselves. We are not to be cowardly or lukewarm. We stand for and help those that cannot defend themselves. We offer spiritual, physical, financial, and moral support. The world is trying to overwhelm us with people, ideologies, and practices which demean each and every one of us, Jesus Christ, and God Almighty. We are being ignored, marginalized, and attacked. We have spoken in the churches, public square, and legislatures. The philosophical-ideological bent of society has pushed us to the wall and will continue until we are cast out. If not for the Catholic who will stand up for the vulnerable, we are the last line of moral fortitude; everyone else has given up or given in. Why else do you think you are living and present now in the history of humanity? It’s your time to assert yourself and speak up, speak out, vote, and keep up the fight. Remember the Creed! Get some fire in your belly! Put your breastplate of armor on! And for the sake of all souls pray your Rosary!

Donald Cavanaugh, MA Humanities, Bioethics Cert. NCBC, USMC