Knights, Ladies of Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem invested to order


PROVIDENCE –They weren’t astride trusted steeds; rather, they arrived at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul aboard chartered buses. Nonetheless, the men and women who filled the pews on Saturday evening are Knights and Ladies.

The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Northeastern Lieutenancy held its annual Investiture Mass in Providence. Ten priests and 18 laymen became knights in the order; nine women became ladies. The new members are from across New England.

The Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is an ancient Catholic order that traces its history back to the 11th century. Today the order's main objective is to provide spiritual and financial support for Christians living in the Holy Land.

The order's Cardinal Grand Master, John Cardinal Foley, came from Rome to celebrate the Mass and preside over the investiture ceremony. Concelebrating the Mass of Investiture with Cardinal Foley were Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop Robert Mulvee, Bishop Emeritus of Providence, Bishop Salvatore R. Matano of Burlington, VT, Bishop George Coleman of Fall River, Mass., Auxiliary Bishop Walter J. Edyvean of Boston, Mass., and about 20 priests from across New England.

During his homily, Cardinal Foley asked that "as Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre may we have a spiritual connection to the land which we are called to help." Touching upon the Holy Land they have pledged to serve, the Cardinal went on to say that the order’s newest members should “baptize” the pillars of Islam – namely pilgrimage, fasting, almsgiving and prayer in their new roles as Knights and Ladies.

The men to be invested wore tuxedos and were called individually to kneel before Cardinal Foley before being dressed in the traditional white cape with the Jerusalem Cross insignia of the order and receiving a box containing ceremonial gold spurs, a sign of the equestrian order.

The ladies, dressed completely in black and donning black lace mantillas, were called to the front next to declare their allegiance before being dressed in black capes, also adorned with the red Jerusalem Cross.

Priests were the final group to be invested. Father Michael Colello, Father James Driscoll, O.P., Father Thomas Ferland, Father Joseph Lennon, O.P., and Monsignor William Varsanyi from the Diocese of Providence were among them.

The ceremony ended with the Knights’ and Ladies’ prayer: "Let Your Spirit fall upon us all, the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre, so that it may render us as convinced and sincere ambassadors of Peace and Love among our brothers and sisters, and especially, among all those who do not believe in You."

Alfred Lamy and his wife Barbara, parishioners of St. Augustine parish in Providence, were among the Rhode Islanders invested in the order. He said he was excited to begin to fulfill his commitment to the order. "What we do as members is try to financially support that sepulchre in Jerusalem so that it is not destroyed," he said. "The Christians there are very poor... some of the charitable donations that the members donate to the Order go to help them."

At the end of the Mass of Investiture the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre processed out of the Cathedral wearing their black and white capes and proudly singing The Holy City (Jerusalem):

"As the shadow of a cross arose upon a lonely hill . . .Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Lift up your gates and sing."

Newly invested members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem


Fr. Michael A. Colello

Fr. Charles E. DesRuisseau

Fr. James A. Driscoll, O.P.

Fr. Thomas J. Ferland

Fr. Jonathan Gaspar

Fr. Joseph Lennon, O.P.

Fr. Paul M. LaPalme

Fr. Kevin J. O’Leary, V.F.

Fr. Robert P. Reed

Msgr. William I. Varsanyi


Brother Francis K. O’Connell

John J. Barry III

Thomas C. Boyle

John M. Castle

Joseph M. Cianciolo

William F. Donovan

Christopher M. Everhart

Robert M. Gilbert

Michael C. Gilleran

Daniel S. Harrop

Alfred A. Lamy

Gilberg J. LaPointe, Jr.

Kevin J. Matthews

James L. McNeil

Joseph A. Raczka

Robert Schwartz

William K. Wray

John E. Zick


Helen M. Boyle

Francisca F. Everhart

Pauline J. Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilleran

Barbara J. Lamy

Constance B. LaPointe

Concetta M. Leonardi

Gail M. Raczka

Nancy H. Wray