President’s actions do not fully support his pro-life stance


To the Editor:

We read with interest the comments in last edition’s letters to the editor section by Paul Caranci and A.H. Liddle who wrote that because Donald Trump was pro-life we should vote for him. We are practicing Catholics and also are pro-life. However, pro-life should not only encompass the unborn, but every human being. Donald Trump verbalizes that he is pro-life but do his actions portray this?
During a global pandemic the president has refused to take responsibility for and acknowledge the severity and scope of Covid-19 and intervene in an appropriate and timely manner that has resulted in over 150,000 deaths of the citizens of the country he took an oath to protect. Is this supporting PRO-LIFE? He has inadequately provided supplies of protective equipment to our health care workers and ancillary personnel who are caring for patients with Covid 19 as they honor their oath putting themselves and their families at risk including death. Is this supporting PRO-LIFE? He has separated children from their families who are seeking asylum in the United States and placed them in camps. They are leaving countries which have inadequate resources and whose lawlessness has no regard for human life and where death is often a likelihood, yet our country sends them back. Is this supporting PRO-LIFE? He has rolled back environmental protection regulations that will ultimately cause or intensify health problems in our vulnerable populations. Is this supporting PRO-LIFE? He is creating chaos, fostering bigotry and lack of acceptance that we are all created equal in the eyes of God thus giving permission to ridicule or harm those that are different. Is this supporting PRO-LIFE.
These are but a few of the actions that belie the fact that Donald Trump supports pro-life. One cannot look at just one issue but as good Christian people we must look at the whole picture before making a decision as to whom we should elect. Our leader should be a person with integrity and good moral character who truly has concern for all the lives of this country, not just the unborn.
Cathy and Nick Alteri, Barrington