Prout Senior Accepted to Four Ivy League Colleges


WAKEFIELD — According to an April 6 Wall Street Journal article, “A pandemic-fueled surge in applications translated into record low acceptance rates this year for the country’s elite colleges, including most of the Ivy League.”
Apparently, somebody forgot to tell Prout senior Michael Garman, a resident of Newport, who was admitted to four of the eight Ivy League colleges he applied to.
Garman was accepted to Brown, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania and Yale, eight schools making up the Ivy League, as well as several other highly selective colleges.
Mary Hoyt, director of Prout’s College and Career Counseling Center, and a 46-year employee of The Prout School, said “Prout has always had an impressive list of college acceptances, but this year’s list includes many ‘firsts’ for Prout, which is unbelievable given that these elite schools now have much lower acceptance rates in the wake of COVID-19.”
Dave Estes, principal at The Prout School, said “It’s surely an impressive testament to Michael’s natural talent, his drive and the support of his parents. Of course, we’d like to take a little credit, too! Prout’s entire focus — after the safety of our students — was on education during the pandemic. We didn’t want to compromise on the academic experience our students were having and we worked hard to have our students here at school, at their desks, taking advantage of in-person learning throughout this difficult year.”
Garman, who is president of Prout’s student council, plans to study political science and economics with an eye toward a career in politics or policy.