Rhode Island Catholic, El Católico honored with 26 national Catholic Press awards at conference


ATLANTA — Rhode Island Catholic and its Spanish language publication, El Católico de Rhode Island, were honored on Friday, June 21, with a combined 26 awards by the Catholic Media Association of the U.S. and Canada during the organization’s 2024 Catholic Media Conference. The newspapers were honored in a variety of categories, including writing, photography and design. The awards were bestowed at the end of the four-day annual media convention, held in Atlanta, featuring educational seminars for journalists and Catholic communicators. Next year’s Catholic Media Convention and Awards Banquet will be held in Phoenix.

Rhode Island Catholic

Best Newspaper

Second Place: Rick A. Snizek; Laura D. Kilgus; Cole DeSantis; Jennifer Barton; Marie Zagorsky and Sue Richard
Israel at War Series

In a crowded and impressive field, this entry stands out for superb on-the-ground coverage from Israel of the unfolding conflict. Other pages mix news coverage, local sports important to the community, and editorials derived from news coverage and featuring some original reporting. An excellent and informative mixture.

Best Feature Writing

Second Place: Laura Kilgus

Young woman stitches together faith and fashion to create timeless liturgical garments

I’ve been a judge in this competition for many years and this is one of the most unique stories I’ve come across. This story wonderfully portrays a young woman who combines her a love of faith and fashion to create intricate vestments for Catholic priests. A great and intriguing read. Certainly no run-of-the-mill story.

Honorable Mention: Jennifer Barton

Celebrating the Real 12 Days of Christmas

Best In-Depth News/ Special Reporting – Weekly

Second Place: Rick Snizek and Jennifer Barton

Reporting from Israel at War

This on-the-ground coverage of the Israel-Hamas War was reported at personal risk to the author, who witnessed rocket attacks and interviewed people in both Israel and Gaza about their experiences.

Best Analysis/ Background/Round-Up News Writing The Gerard E. Sherry Award

Second Place: Rick Snizek and Jennifer Barton

Reporting from Israel at War

The history of the Holy Land could have run in any publication in the U.S., and the other pieces offer inside glimpses that just weren’t available from secular media. Wonderful job making your publication indispensable.

Best News Writing on International Events

First Place: Rick A. Snizek

Israel at War - A Hostage Family’s Pain

Important on-the-ground coverage of people directly affected by some of the most important global events of the past year.

Third Place: Rick A. Snizek

Israel at War - Reporter’s Notebook

Engaging first-hand account of the start of the Israel Hamas conflict.

Honorable Mention: Rick A. Snizek

Latin Patriarch: Israel at War - Time Has Come for Political Leaders to Make Good on Statehood Slogans as war rages

Best News Writing on an International Event

Third Place: Rick A. Snizek

Israel at War Series

Excellent series of breaking news and spot news coverage of the Israeli Hamas war from the ground.

Best Print Special Supplement On a Bishop’s Transition

First Place: Laura Kilgus; Rick Snizek; Sue Richard; Marie Zagorsky; Cole DeSantis; and Jennifer Barton

Welcome to Rhode Island Bishop Richard G. Henning

A wonderful special supplement featuring engaging design, strong editorial content, and creative pieces to help readers understand the new coadjutor bishop transition. Excellent work!

Best Multiple Picture Package – Feature

Honorable Mention: Laura Kilgus

Good Mornings: Sisters inspired by weekly Mass with Bishop

Best Multiple Picture Package - Sports

First Place: Chris Jenkins

 Hendricken vs La Salle Football

This is a fun collection of photos demonstrating breadth of sporting opportunities and emotions. It captures many poses and moods and draws in readers with the activities pictured. Great work!

Second Place: Laura Kilgus

P.C. Friar inspires students on and off the court during visit to Good Shepherd Catholic Regional School

These photos really draw in the reader because of the magnetic presence of the coach subject. The reader can almost feel the mentorship going on through these photos. The photos really draw in the reader to be part of the scene in a way. Nice work!

Third Place: Laura Kilgus

Catholic Athletic League Basketball 2023

Nice action shots to draw in readers. Great colors and angles to convey the excitement and energy of the sports. Overall, a nice package of photos.

El Católico de Rhode island

Best Online Content: SPIRITUAL LIFE

Second Place: Silvio Cuellar

Resoluciones de Año Nuevo: Simplificar la vida y dedicar más tiempo a Dios y la familia

Best coverage - Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate

Honorable Mention: Laura Kilgus

Buenos días: Hermanas inspiradas por Misa semanal con el obispo

Honorable Mention: Silvio Cuellar and Laura Kilgus

Obispo Coadjutor Richard G. Henning ofrece conmovedor mensaje en Misa de bienvenida

Best Editorial Page

Second Place: Rick Snizek; Laura Kilgus; Silvio Cuellar; and Azade Sarah Perin-Monterroso

“Keep the Heat On” necesita de su ayuda más que nunca

The editorial pages of El Católico offer readers a variety of timely pieces on a large range of subjects, all successfully designed to guide them in leading rich spiritual lives.

Best Interview

Honorable Mention: Azade Sarah Perin-Monterroso

Padre Mauricio Romero, Franciscano Capuchino, nuevo pastor asociado en nuestra

Best News Writing Local/ Regional Event

Third Place: Silvio Cuellar and Laura Kilgus

El Obispo Coadjutor Richard G. Henning será recibido en un momento histórico para la comunidad hispana

The story pays tribute to a momentous occasion for Spanish-speaking Catholics. The story’s writing was crisp and engaging.

Honorable Mention: Hortencia Medina and Silvio Cuellar

Con una masiva presencia de feligreses de varios estados culmina peregrinación regional Hispana en La Salette

Best News Writing National/International Event

Third Place: Azade Sara Perin-Monterroso and Silvio Cuellar

Coordinador diocesano del Ministerio Hispano reflexiona sobre nuevo Plan Pastoral Nacional

This was a colorful, engaging account of a regional pilgrimage. The writing was fresh and vivid. (Look no further than the opening line: “Un día fresco y nublado fue el escenario perfecto para la Peregrinación Regional Hispana.”)

Best reporting on the Celebration of a sacrament

Third Place: Cole DeSantis

Seminarista Jairon Olmos Rivera dá un paso más en su camino hacia el Sacerdocio

This was an engaging feature about a seminarian being ordained as a deacon. The author included great quotes from friends of his, who could speak to his faith journey.

Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate

Honorable Mention: Silvio Cuellar and Laura Kilgus

El Obispo Coadjutor Richard G. Henning será recibido en un momento histórico para la comunidad hispana

Best Multiple Picture Package – News

Third Place: Silvio Cuellar

El Padre Raymond Tetrault fue un pionero del Ministerio Hispano y de los desamparados

Best Photo Story – Feature

First Place: Cole DeSantis

Fotos de la Misa Diocesana en Honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe

The pictures were great and filled with life.