Faith on Fire
GREENVILLE — Young adults (ages 18-29) are invited to an evening around the fire, Fridays: June 14, July 26, August 9, 7- 9 p.m., at St. Philip Church, which includes a talk from a local priest/speaker, fellowship and snacks and s’mores. These are free events. Bring a friend. For more information contact
Recital honoring female composers at St. Raymond’s Church
PROVIDENCE — Christian Black, organist and music director at St. Raymond’s Church, and special guests will present “Voces Feminae,” inspirational music by female composers, on Saturday, June 15, at 1 p.m. at St. Raymond’s Church, 1240 North Main St. Free admission.
Our Lady of Czenstochowa to host Polish Festival
COVENTRY — Our Lady of Czenstochowa Polish Festival will be held on Friday, June 14 and Saturday, June 15 from 5-9 p.m. on school grounds, 222 MacArthur Blvd. The event will feature Polish and American food, games, music, raffles and more. Frozen golombki and pierogi will be available for sale. Free admission and parking. For more information contact 401-821-7991 or visit
Biblical workshops
PROVIDENCE — Saint Pius V Catholic Church, 240 Eaton St., will hold a workshop entitled: “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass,” with Edward Sri on the following dates: June 18; June 25 and July 2. The workshops will take place in Caffe Lepanto following the noontime Mass.
Knights to host free outdoor movie nights
CRANSTON — The Knights of Columbus, Rev. Richard A. Donnelly Council No. 322, will host free outdoor family movie nights at St. Mark Church, in the parish field, 31 Poplar Drive. Gates open 45 minutes before the film’s start time. The schedule is as follows: National Treasure: Book of Secrets — Saturday, June 22, 8:30 p.m.; Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian — Friday, July 26, 8 p.m.; Ant-Man — Friday, Aug. 16, 7:30 p.m.; Star Wars (VII): The Force Awakens — Friday, Aug. 30, 7:30 p.m.; Spider-Man: Homecoming — Friday, Sept. 13, 7 p.m.; The Avengers — Friday, Oct. 4, 6:30 p.m. Seating will be available but limited. Please consider bringing your own chairs and blankets to enjoy the movie. Hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, candy, and drinks will be sold.
Giant yard sale at Holy Name of Jesus Church
PROVIDENCE — Holy Name of Jesus Church, 99 Camp St., will host a giant yard sale on Saturday June 22, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Gabriel’s Trumpet to hold sidewalk sale
COVENTRY — Gabriel’s Trumpet Catholic Bookstore, 477 Washington St., will be hold a sidewalk sale on Saturday, June 22, from 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Items for sale include framed prints, statues, rosaries, books and CDs and other miscellaneous items.For more information, call the store at 401-823- 4884.
Knights Kandi Drive
PORTSMOUTH — The local Council 3618 of the Knight of Columbus will host its annual Kandi (Tootsie Roll) Drive on Friday, June 21, from noon – 6 p.m., and Saturday, June 22 from noon – 3 p.m., in front of Clement’s Market, 2575 East Main Road. All proceeds benefit the James L. Maher Center which fosters independence, opportunity, employment for people with developmental and other disabilities.
Polish Fest
WOONSOCKET — St. Stanislus Kostka Parish, 174 Harris Ave., will host the 15th annual Polish Fest on Saturday, June 22. Traditional Polish food will be available starting at noon, to eat in or take out. DJ Zaba will provide music for dancing from 3 – 10 p.m. Attractions for children, and games of chance will be ongoing throughout the day.
Exhibit of
Eucharistic Miracles
NARRAGANSETT —St. Thomas More Parish will host the Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles in the parish hall on Wednesday, June 26, 9:30 a.m. - noon, 5 - 6:30 p.m., and 7:30-8:30 p.m., on Thursday, June 27, 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. and on Friday, June 28, 10:30 a.m. - noon. Eileen Wood will present on Blessed Carlo Acutis on Wednesday, June 26, at 6:30 p.m. and St. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia on Friday, June 28, at 9:30 a.m. Both presentations will be in the church. First-class relics of Blessed Carlo and St. Manuel will be available for veneration. Mass each day at 9 a.m. For more information, please call 401-789-7682 or visit
Holy Hour for Vocations
PROVIDENCE — In preparation for the ordination of Rev. Mr. Joseph Brodeur and Rev. Mr. Jairon Olmos-Rivera, we will gather the night before on Fri., June 28 at 7 p.m. in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence for a Holy Hour for Vocations, Most Rev. Richard G. Henning, Bishop of Providence, presiding, and Rev. Christopher J. Murphy, Rector of Seminary of Our Lady of Providence and Director of Pre-Ordination Formation for the Diocese of Providence, will be preaching. All are welcome.
St. Anthony feast
WEST WARWICK — St. Anthony Parish, 10 Sunset Ave., will host their annual feast in honor of St. Anthony on June 28-30. Fish and chips will be sold beginning at 11 a.m. on Friday, June 28, and various American and Portuguese foods, along with raffles and games, will be available at 5 p.m. The entertainment for the evening will be the Greg Laboss Trio with Rick Ribb and Rick Couto. The feast will continue on Saturday, June 29, from 5-11 p.m., with entertainment by the Portuguese band, “Os Capitalistas!” On Sunday, June 30, a Mass in honor of St. Anthony will be celebrated by Bishop Richard G. Henning at 11 a.m., and at 2 p.m. a religious procession will take place. A variety of entertainment will be available on Sunday. Following the procession, the marching band will play, and at 5 p.m., DJ John Bolarinho will be playing a variety of Portuguese music and English classics. The feast will remain open until 8 p.m.
Magnificat breakfast
GREENVILLE — The Magnificat Ministry Breakfast will be held on Saturday, June 29, from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at St. Philip Parish Center, 622 Putnam Pike. The guest speaker will be Monique Moussot. For registrations and further information, contact Linda Gatta at 401-864-7731.
Presbyteral Ordinations of Rev. Mr. Joseph Brodeur and Rev. Mr. Jairon Olmos-Rivera
PROVIDENCE — On Sat., June 29 at 10 a.m. in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence, Most Rev. Richard G. Henning, Bishop of Providence, will celebrate Holy Mass with the ordinations of Rev. Mr. Joseph Brodeur and Rev. Mr. Jairon Olmos-Rivera to the Sacred Priesthood. All are welcome! Can’t join us in the Cathedral? Watch the livestream on the Diocese of Providence YouTube channel,
Blood drive
WOONSOCKET — The Woonsocket Knights of Columbus Council #113 will sponsor a blood drive on Sunday, June 30, from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., in the Father Blain Hall, St. Joseph Church, 1200 Mendon Road. Appointments may be made online at and use code 0592. Walk-in donors are also welcome. With the summer months approaching, the Blood Center is in need of donors. Free t-shirts will be given to all donors during the drive.
Knights plan golf tournament
RICHMOND — The Knights of Columbus Pope Pius XII Council in Narragansett will host its 12th annual Golf Tournament at the Richmond Country Club, 74 Sandy Pond Road, on Saturday, August 10. To date, the tournament has provided over $76,000 in seminarian scholarships and more than $40,000 to local charities. Shotgun start at 8 a.m. Steak fry lunch at 1 p.m. Tee sign sponsorships are also available. For more information on either, visit or email
Msgr. Sabourin Vacation Bible Camp to be held July 15-19
PROVIDENCE — The annual Msgr. Sabourin Vacation Bible Camp will be held Mon., July 15 through Fri., July 19 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at St. Patrick Church, 244 Smith St. Camp is bilingual and wheelchair accessible and is being offered for children ages 10 and up and for adults with disabilities. The camp is hosted by the Diocese of Providence’s Office of the Apostolate with People with Disabilities and St. Patrick Church, Providence. Volunteers welcome. Registration a must for campers and volunteers. Please visit for more. For more information, contact Irma I. Rodríguez, director of the Office of the Apostolate with People with Disabilities at 401-278-4578 or