The beauty of marriage not an act of bigotry


On a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon hundreds of families gathered on the grounds of the Aldrich Mansion, the site of the former Our Lady of Providence Seminary, to celebrate marriage and family life in Rhode Island.

The first annual day to celebrate marriage and family life sponsored by the National Organization of Marriage and the Diocese of Providence was a special opportunity to rejoice in the uniqueness of married life. The day provided music, good food, games and activities for couples, their children and grandchildren. It also was an occasion for married couples to renew their marriage vows and recommit themselves to the marital covenant.

While most of the world would view such an occasion as a special way for Rhode Islanders to celebrate and strengthen marriage and family life in the Ocean State, a small group of protesters gathered outside the public event to protest. The protest led by members of the radical group Queer Action in Providence included threats towards corporate sponsors and charges of intolerance and bigotry. A simple celebration of marriage and family life is now apparently an act of intolerant bigotry according the supporters of same-sex marriage who successfully scared away Tim Horton’s Donuts and other corporate sponsors with boycott threats and outrageous claims of prejudice by the NOM and the Diocese of Providence.

These radical protestors proved what supporters of traditional marriage have been claiming for years - that same-sex marriage proponents desire not equality but ather to radically redefine marriage and family life and ostracize all those who uphold the traditional understanding of marriage between one man and one woman. The outrageous charges by Queer Action and other same-sex marriage groups might sound ridiculous to right thinking people, however their well organized and well-financed campaign to redefine marriage and attack all those who oppose them successfully frightens large corporations. Same-sex marriage will not only destroy the truth of over two millennia that marriage is only between one man and one woman but will also destroy in its wake religious freedom and tolerance for those who rightly understand the authentic nature of marriage.

We call upon all Rhode Islanders, especially our elected officials, to truly understand the goal of same-sex marriage proponents. It isn’t equality. It isn’t tolerance. It isn’t religious freedom. It is the well-orchestrated effort to redefine marriage and family life and smear all those who stand in the way with outlandish claims of bigotry and intolerance. They disguise their efforts under the guise of tolerance and equality while they vehemently attack anyone opposed to their intolerant claims of bigotry and discrimination. Their scare tactics can prove persuasive to cowardly corporate bureaucrats and even some elected officials who fear their outrageous claims of prejudice and inequality.

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon hundreds of married couples gathered together to celebrate and stand together for their marriage and for a unique way of life that is the bedrock of our culture. It was neither an act of bigotry nor an act of intolerance but rather a commemoration of a sacred and ancient truth that marriage is only between man and woman. On that beautiful Sunday afternoon, Queer Action and same-sex marriage proponents showed their true colors of intolerance as they sought to target and repress all those who dare to defy their radical attack and redefinition of marriage and family life. Sadly, if their radical agenda is not stopped in its tracks, the future of marriage and all those who celebrate its uniqueness in our culture will face even more hostile intolerance and vehement repression.