Why are children still stuck having to wear masks?



It has been two years since we began “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” For two years our children have been kept from school, kept from sports, from field trips and dances and have been forced to breathe through damp, soiled masks for eight hours a day. It is far beyond time to end this insanity and give our kids their childhood back.
Catholic schools lead the way and did an amazing job getting our kids back to in-person school much faster than their government school counterparts. I sincerely hope that Catholic schools again lead the way in putting an end to children in face masks. Masks are detrimental to their development and recent studies confirm that they do little to stop the spread of the virus.
The rest of society has moved on. Sporting events, concerts, and people packed into bars are all maskless. Why is it only our children — who are statistically least likely to have poor outcomes — still stuck in masks? It is time to put our children’s well-being above adults’ irrational fears.

Roberta Minnis, Warwick