Bishop Evans recognized by national clergy organization


SAN?MATEO, CA — On February 10, 2010, Bishop Robert C. Evans received the President’s Distinguished Service Award from the National Organization for Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy (NOCERCC).

The award was presented at NOCERCC’s thirty-seventh annual national convention in San Mateo, California. Established in 1994, the President’s Distinguished Service Award is presented to an individual or organization that champions ongoing formation for priests and presbyterates, supports NOCERCC, contributes to its work, and promotes its mission and goals in the public square.

NOCERCC is a membership association of dioceses, religious communities, and other interested organizations and individuals committed to the church’s mission to promote and support ongoing formation for priests and presbyterates.

Founded in 1973, NOCERCC’s current membership includes Roman Catholic dioceses and religious communities in the United States as well as other organizations and individuals around the world that are part of the ongoing clergy formation community.