Editorial does not see climate change for the existential threat it is



I do not know who wrote the editorial: “Socialism and the New Green Dictatorship,” but it is shocking to me that this editorial could appear in the Rhode Island Catholic in 2019! This misguided editorial does not distinguish between Communism, Democratic Socialism and Social Democracy. There are critical differences between these three forms of government. And this editorial does not seem to appreciate that climate change is an already unfolding existential threat to the human race. I hope the person who wrote this editorial will read the inspiring papal encyclical “Laudato Si’” by Pope Francis and attend the Oct. 19 Diocese of Providence Conference entitled “Care for Creation: The Catholic Church & Ecology.” Intelligent and compassionate stewardship of our earth is a God-given mission for all Christians, and contrary to this editorial is a very real imperative for the survival of our children and grandchildren!

Bill Waters, Member, Pax Christi Rhode Island