Greatest good ever created is the gift of human life



Life! Vitae! Vitality! We love it, embrace it, enjoy it, engage it, protect it, with all its joys, sorrows, challenges, opportunities, disappointments, promises, and hopes. Would you have it any other way? I will not. There are those that would and do for others as in abortion. Politicians, our lawmakers, candidates will stand for, hedge, and/or manipulate truth. This intrinsically evil act under any circumstance defies humanity, reason, and God. It is the seed of distortion in any human thought. If you take or approve of the smallest, most vulnerable, precious seed of humanity’s future or wait till the child is near term and kill it for some form than self-centered reasoning; What does that make one? Ask yourself, ‘Is that me?’ ‘Is that the world I seek?’ ‘How can I see rights and liberation in that?’ The greatest human good to be created, is not a house, car, jewelry, or other worldly possession or ephemerally defined object, but, the gift of Human Life. It’s that simple to say, see, hear, feel, and understand. Why, because it’s natural and good! It is just, right, and fair to give Life and Love it! The Latin word caritas is a two-term word for Love/Charity, kind of like Love of God and Love of neighbor, if you are doing one you are doing the other. I have faith in my state and my neighbors to see the Truth this election cycle.

Donald J. Cavanaugh, Warwick