Meet your priests: Father Peter Gower


Pope Benedict XVI has declared the period of June 19, 2009 to June 19, 2010 as the Year for Priests. During this period, Rhode Island Catholic will present a series of biweekly interviews with diocesan and religious order priests ministering in the Diocese of Providence. Priests were chosen at random and sent a list of questions. The responses are published as written by those who have answered the call to serve Christ and His Church.


Pastor, St. Mary of the Bay and St. Jean Baptiste

When did you first think of becoming a priest?

I would say during my childhood years.

Was there anyone in your childhood who inspired and encouraged your vocation by their example of holiness, such as a parent, grandparent or religious sister or brother? (Did you attend Catholic schools?)

Sr. Dorothy Schwarz from Our Lady of Fatima High School where my sisters attended. When I was about 10 years old, Sr. Schwarz asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told her maybe a priest. She then gave me a small box holding a tiny statue of the Infant Jesus and told me some day I would be a priest. I still keep this gift in my desk. From that moment on, and through my parents’ good example, my journey toward priesthood began.

What is the greatest joy of being a priest?

Celebrating the sacraments, especially Eucharist.

Can you share an experience you are most grateful for in your priestly ministry?

The ability to minister to people and witness their transformation in faith. Also, my recent sabbatical studies at the North American College in Rome and my personal audience with The Holy Father.

What has been the greatest challenge you have faced in serving?

Being the Pastor of two separate communities of faith.

How do you keep informed of current developments affecting the Church and your parishioners? What publications do you read?

The Rhode Island Catholic, of course. Also L’Osservatore Romano, America, Homiletics and Pastoral Review.

How do you keep your relationship with the Lord strong and continue to grow spiritually?

Through Eucharistic Adoration.

How do you stay connected with your brother priests?

Electronic media, sharing meals with priest friends, and continued friendship with a priest from my college days.

Do you have any special interests or hobbies that your enjoy?

Traveling to Italy visiting my favorite village of Fontegrecca and cooking.

What is the best way to encourage priestly vocations? How do you encourage priestly and religious vocations?

Through trying to live a life of love . . . love of God and love of neighbor. The love of my priesthood is the greatest witness