Nat’l Guard prayers take wing during Bishop’s visit

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NORTH KINGSTOWN – A historic Mass was celebrated at the Quonset National Guard Base last Sunday when nearly 75 guardsmen and women from the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard attended services concelebrated by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Father Robert Marciano and Father Roman Manchester. The Mass was preceded by a warm welcome from Major General Robert T. Bray, adjutant general of Rhode Island and commanding general of the Rhode Island National Guard.

“This is a historic moment for us, as we are a faith-based organization and we are so honored by the leader of our Diocese taking time to be with these brave and hardworking men and women,” Bray said. “This Mass and visit by our Bishop is a keystone event, as we have men and women fully engaged at war. The Diocese remains a wonderful source of faith and support for all of our service men and women. The Diocese plays a crucial role in our mission. The support of this Bishop and the Diocese of Providence is key to morale.”

Among the worshippers were soldiers and air personnel from many divisions of the Rhode Island National Guard. RING is a force that is 3,200 strong: 2,200 in service on the Army side and 1,000 in service on the Air Force side. It is 70 percent Catholic and has chaplains of every denomination dispatched across the globe, according to Rhode Island National Guard spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Denis J. Riel. At the Mass, Master Sergeant Ann-Marie Bandieri of the 143rd Airlift Wing gave the readings and sang an a capella rendition of “Oh God, You Search Me.”

“This is such a nice feeling,” Bandieri said after. “I feel very connected to the Church and our Diocese with this visit from the Bishop. It gives us all a boost.” As the remnants of tropical storm Hanna were swiftly whisking away and the day glowing bright and beautiful, the theme of the homily was about surviving the storms of life. Bishop Tobin noted that on the way to the base was a sign “Rough Road Ahead.” With strong foundations and solid footings, storms and rough roads can be survived.

“We must be present to God every day,”?Bishop Tobin said. “Not only through the storms and the rough patches; through success and failure, sickness and health, life and death. We must always work at our faith and our faith will help us handle anything.”

Chief Master Sergeant Greg Houghton observed, “The Bishop really provoked a lot of thought in me today. We do face storms and rough roads in our jobs, our lives and our families. Our faith must remain strong.”

Bishop Tobin ended his homily with the story of Greg and Susan, a young couple whom he married when he was a young priest. They fell in love and were wed at 19 years of age and were completely devoted to one another, he said. Within a year of their wedding, Greg died of a cerebral hemorrhage. The young widow confided in Father Tobin that in advance of their wedding, Greg had been diagnosed with a terrible condition that would quickly leave him blind and disabled.

The couple never told anyone, as they knew they could face this storm together.

The Bishop recalled the young widow’s grace and dignity in the face of the tragedy. Their story has stayed with him as clear evidence of strong beliefs and true faith. Lt. Col. Mike Donnelly was clearly moved by the story, “The story of Greg and Susan was so moving and inspiring, especially as it was a personal part of our Bishop’s journey of faith and service.”

At the conclusion of the Mass, Lt. Col. Robert Marciano, director of chaplains, National Guard Bureau in Washington, D.C. presented the Bishop the Minuteman Award for the outstanding service provided by the Diocese to the RING. Major General Bray presented his personal coin to the Bishop and in turn the Bishop presented Rosaries blessed by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

The Bishop was escorted on a land tour of the base and met with service people. The morning culminated with a Blackhawk helicopter tour of the State of Rhode Island piloted by Mark Ianuccilli, CW-4 and co-pilot Kim Wilson, WO-1. Ianuccilli was delighted to get the mission.

“This is a big honor for me to get the opportunity to elevate a man that has spent his life lifting the spirit of so many.”