Diocesan News
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On July 13, 1917, during the third apparition at Fatima, Our Lady warned that if mankind did not repent God was going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, hunger, persecution of the … more
Think to a time when you were hungry. Remember how it felt, a bit uncomfortable, right? You may have even said, “I’m starving!” But you knew that in a short time the next meal would be there … more
In the very ancient Church Mass was often celebrated over the tombs of the martyrs. A wooden platform similar to a table was placed over the martyr’s remains to hold the paten and chalice required … more
The local mosque in nearby North Smithfield sponsored an open house for northern Rhode Island as a gesture of friendship toward the Islamic community’s neighbors in the Blackstone Valley. St. James … more
Though there are many different kinds of candles in a typical parish church, this question is most often directed to the practice of lighting votive candles. These candles, which are smaller than the … more
If someone’s house was on fire would you pour gasoline on it? Well the answer is obvious: Of course you wouldn’t. Yet that is very similar to what the United States and many other more … more
He had large hands. His left one rested easily on the boy’s left shoulder. Both looked comfortable with the arrangement. They sat in the first pew at a daily Mass in a Church about 500 feet from … more
My years at Our Lady of Providence Seminary at Warwick Neck were privileged by having fine organists to offer majestic praise to God and to support the student choir. Father Ronald Brassard, recently … more
“Ask the Newly Ordained” features Fathers Brian Morris, Joseph Brice and Stephen Battey — who respond to questions about the faith from Rhode Island Catholic readers. It is often said that … more
On May 13, as Pope Francis canonized at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima, Portugal two of the local shepherd children who first witnessed the appearance of the Blessed Mother at the … more
There was cheering two years ago this month when Pope Francis issued Laudato Si’, his long-awaited encyclical on the environment. But it was two years before that, at a weekly audience one fine … more
“Lemony fresh!” Those are the words I said to my two newly ordained brother priests, Father Stephen Battey and Father Joseph Brice, after I wiped the chrism off my hands with the maniturgium and … more
Masada is an ancient fortification located on top of an isolated rock plateau in the Biblical province of Judea, today’s southern Israel. The surrounding land is generally desert. Picture a TV … more
A few random thoughts before I take a little break for summer . . . ** It’s just two years since the publication of Laudato Si, the historic encyclical of Pope Francis that calls us to a renewed … more
Pope Francis has stated on more than one occasion that the Catholic Church should not be intent on proselytizing the five-and-a-half billion persons who have not yet heard the Gospel message in its … more
Q. What does being ordained to the Priesthood mean for you? Having had a few days to reflect on the great gift of the Sacrament of Holy Orders that I received on June 3, one response from the Rite … more
For centuries, usually through the quiet response of an altar server or through the sung response of a choir, the worshippers at a Catholic Mass affirmed the Eucharistic work of the celebrant through … more
Last weekend was our “Tabor Moment.” Jesus took three of his disciples and went up a high mountain; there, he was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white. Moses and Elijah … more
The readings for daily Mass this week have been taken from the Book of Tobit, one of the most colorful and interesting books of the Bible. (And by the way, that’s Tobit, not Tobin!) According to … more
Few fictional characters are more woeful than the rural French pastor in Georges Bernanos’ “The Diary of a Country Priest.” Distant from his flock, scorned by the local nobility, bullied by … more
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