Annual Diocese of Providence Catholic Charity Appeal underway with a goal of $6.8 million


PROVIDENCE — The 2022 Catholic Charity Appeal is officially underway in the Diocese of Providence with a goal of $6.8 million, the same as it was in 2021, with parish goals also remaining the same.
Bishop Thomas J. Tobin has sent out the first mailing to previous donors announcing the Appeal.
Presentations and announcements explaining how the annual Appeal provides a crucial means of support for diocesan outreach ministries will take place at parishes throughout February.
The theme of the 2022 Appeal, “150 Years of Sharing God’s Love,” is underscored by a passage from Psalm 126, “The Lord had done great things for us. We are filled with joy.”
The bishop said that observance of the Diocese of Providence’s sesquicentennial this year is a perfect time for everyone to reflect on how the Catholic Charity Appeal has enabled the benevolent mission of the Church for most of those 150 years and how it will position the diocese well to continue that mission into the future.
“The anniversary is an opportunity for us to remember all the blessings the Lord has given to our Diocese over the years and how he has used the Church as his instrument to serve and bless the community in which we live. Like a lighthouse standing strong in the Ocean State, the Church has inspired, educated, healed, sanctified and served countless souls, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, for 150 years, all in the name of Christ,” Bishop Tobin said.
“The Catholic Charity Appeal will enable us to continue the mission of the Church as we welcome and embrace all that the future holds for us.”
Stewardship and Development Director Tim McCaig said that pastors are being asked to conduct an in-pew Appeal in their individual parishes in February or March.
Although the active phase of the campaign takes place in the first part of the year, donations can be made through June 30, 2022, when the Appeal closes.
“The Appeal is powered by the efforts of our priests and volunteers. They help bring the message to the faithful in the mail and at Mass,” McCaig said.
“My hope is that parishioners prayerfully consider the message from our bishop and clergy, and join us in funding vital ministries, direct assistance programs, and other good works of the Church in 2022.”
In outlining the goal of this year’s campaign McCaig pointed to the diocese’s successful 2021 Appeal, which despite being conducted in a year upended by the global pandemic, saw 20,200 donors across the diocese raise $6.3 million, meeting 94 percent of the goal. He believes the diocese is in a position this year to reach or surpass that number.
McCaig said that he is encouraged by the fact that close to $500,000 has been raised from some early gifts already received before the Appeal even launched.

“It’s very rare to see 20,000 people come together to support one cause, and that’s what happens every year with the Catholic Charity Appeal. It’s inspiring to see how many generous people are willing to make a gift to support the work of the Church in our community.”
The Catholic Charity Appeal is the principal means of support for numerous diocesan outreach ministries.
In 2021, the diocese’s St. Martin de Porres senior center was able to feed 350 families per week with the resources they received through the Appeal.
The Emmanuel House homeless shelter was able to provide 16,000 bed nights for those with no place else to turn for help.
The Office of Life and Family Ministry provided assistance to 1,700 individuals.
The Special Religious Education Program (SPRED) received $105,000 to support those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Catholic school students received tuition assistance totaling $289,000.
Funding for the promotion of Vocations is made possible through the Appeal, with 17 seminarians currently in formation.
Among many other diocesan ministries also benefiting from the generosity of the faithful through the Appeal, the Office of Catholic Youth Ministry was able to serve 165 campers per week last summer at its Mother of Hope Summer Camp, and 60 college students per week were able to participate in campus ministry at Brown and RISD during 2021.
“Because of donors’ generosity, we were able to fund vital outreach ministries and continue the work of the Church,” McCaig said.
In addition to the in-pew Appeal solicitations in parishes, the Office of Stewardship has established the following online link for donors to contribute to the 2022 Catholic Charity Appeal: