Reverend John E. Unsworth, to Administrator pro tem, St. Thomas More Parish, Narragansett, effective April 15, 2024.
Reverend Ryan W. Connors, from Faculty of St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts, to Rector, Seminary of Our Lady of Providence; Director, Pre-Ordination Formation for the Diocese of Providence, and Director, St. John Vianney Residence, Providence, effective July 1, 2024.
Reverend Christopher J. Murphy, from Rector, Seminary of Our Lady of Providence; Director, Pre-Ordination Formation for the Diocese of Providence, and Director, St. John Vianney Residence, Providence, to Spiritual Director, Pontifical North American College, effective July 1, 2024.
Reverend Nathan J. Ricci, to Director, Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Providence, while continuing as Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Providence and Administrative Assistant to the Bishop, effective February 2, 2024.
Reverend Jeremy J. Rodrigues, from Director, Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Providence, while continuing as Pastor, St. Margaret Parish, Rumford, effective February 2, 2024.
At the request of Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop for the Military Services of the United States of America, Bishop Richard G. Henning has granted permission for the Reverend Marcel L. Taillon to serve as Interim Vocations Director for the Archdiocese for the Military Services. This appointment will become effective April 15, 2024, and will end on December 15, 2024. This will require Father Taillon to take up full-time ministry and residence in Washington, D.C.