LaSallian Brother’s creations to be featured in Providence Art Club exhibition
PROVIDENCE — Brother Ralph Bucci, FSC, an alumnus of La Salle Academy who served as the school’s Director of Alumni Relations until 2015, will be featured in a three-person exhibition at the Providence Art Club, 11 Thomas St. Providence. Brother Ralph will show three dimensional ceramic sculptures alongside paintings by local artists Kate Chute and Martha Mullen Taradash. The exhibition will run from now until May 28.
‘The Wedding Singer’ comes to Bishop Hendricken High School
WARWICK — Bishop Hendricken Highschool, 2615 Warwick Ave., will present “The Wedding Singer” (in-person shows) on May 14 and May 15, outdoors under the tent at 8:30 p.m. Order tickets online at For more information contact, 401-739-3450,
Providence College theater alumni launch Wordplay podcast
PROVIDENCE — Father Matthew Powell, O.P., associate professor emeritus of theater at Providence College, and a group of Providence College theater alumni have recently launched a podcast, “Wordplay: Theater for the Ear and the Imagination.” Wordplay will produce short audio plays, scenes and monologues, both dramas and comedies, which reflect the spiritual nature of the human person. The first entry is “The Diaries of Adam and Eve,” Mark Twain’s comic twist on the creation story (24 minutes). The next, ‘The Atheists’ Mass,” based on a true story by Honore de Balzac, recounts the efforts of a young intern to discover why his mentor, a great surgeon and strident atheist, sometimes attends Mass (19 minutes). In the third, “At the Smithville Methodist Church,” an irreligious father sends his child to an arts and crafts program at a local church (4 minutes). Listeners can access the plays at: Or, one can simply Google wordplay: theater for the ear and imagination. Father Powell hopes to add new episodes approximately every four months.
Enjoy an afternoon of music hosted by St. Thomas the Apostle Church
WARREN — St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 500 Metacom Ave., will host an afternoon of music outside on Sunday, May 16, from 1 – 4 p.m. Gary James Farias, a well-known song writer and singer throughout R.I. and Mass., will perform. Admission is free. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. You may bring your own food and drinks but malassadas and beverages will be available for purchase. A representative of Paparazzi Jewelry will also be on hand with a display of items available for purchase. Social distancing protocols will be observed. For more information, call 401-263-3594.
Ministry for Grieving Parents to host virtual retreats
VIRTUAL — Emmaus Ministry will host virtual retreats for grieving parents whose children of any age have died by any cause, no matter how long ago. Losing a child under any circumstances is horrendous. Focusing on the spirituality of the grieving process can help tremendously. As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents is now offering virtual one-hour midweek reflections and discussions and five-hour virtual retreats. EMFGP of Rhode Island is hosting a one-hour virtual retreat on May 26, 2021, 8 – 9 p.m. Registration is required to receive the meeting ID and password. Space is limited and registration will close when the maximum number of parents is reached. For a complete listing of virtual reflections and retreats, and to register, visit
Seasons of Hope Grief Support Group
WESTERLY — Those searching for comfort, hope and peace after losing a loved one are invited to participate in a six-week support group, Seasons of Hope. Each meeting includes prayer, Scripture reading and reflection, a video and discussion. Meetings will be held on Saturdays,now until June 5, from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at St. Pius X Church, 44 Elm St. To ensure everyone’s safety, group size is limited and face masks are required. To register, please contact Linda at 401-714-9824.
Knights of Columbus to host annual golf tournament
HOPE VALLEY — The Knights of Columbus will host its 9th annual golf tournament on August 14 at the Richmond Country Club. For more information or to register, visit
Save the Date: Diocesan Youth Day 2021
CUMBERLAND — The 2021 Diocesan Youth Day will take place on September 11, from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m., at Our Lady of Fatima Church, 1 Fatima Drive. This year’s theme is “Empowered,” and will welcome special musical guest Cooper Ray. The event will feature faith, food, fun, friends and more. For more information, visit