PROVIDENCE — The 2022 Catholic Charity Appeal in the Diocese of Providence has exceeded 100% of its goal, surpassing $6.8 million in pledges and one-time gifts.
The annual appeal is the primary source of funding for the charitable outreach ministries and work of the diocese across Rhode Island, including the Emmanuel House homeless shelter in Providence, the Saint Martin de Porres Multi-Service Center, the Office of Immigration and Refugee Services, and many other programs providing material and spiritual support to Rhode Islanders in need.
The appeal also supports Saint Gabriel’s Call, a ministry providing material, spiritual, and social-emotional support to pregnant and new mothers as well as their children from eight locations across Rhode Island. The diocese recently announced Bishop Thomas J. Tobin’s commitment to double the assistance provided through Saint Gabriel’s Call.
“I am very pleased, but not surprised, by the success of this year’s Catholic Charity Appeal,” said Bishop Tobin, praising those who contributed to the appeal’s success.
“Our pastors continue to provide very strong leadership, and our faithful people always respond to the Church with amazing generosity, even this year when there are serious economic challenges. May God bless and reward all those who have made this year’s Appeal such a great success!”
As of June 23, the total of one-time gifts and pledges received was $6,869,681 (101% of goal) from 19,434 donors.
Despite a decrease of about 900 donors to this year’s appeal over last year, 5,600 donors chose to increase their gift from 2021, according to Tim McCaig, director of the Office of Stewardship and Development.
This year’s average gift was $338, an increase from $315 in 2021’s appeal.
“This is a testament to the generosity of our Catholic community in Rhode Island,” said McCaig, who noted that 45 parishes have reached 100% of their goal this year, up from 38 in 2021, with another 13 parishes surpassing 90% of their goal this year. [A full listing of parish results will be published in the July 14 edition of RI Catholic.]
McCaig said he is also grateful to the individuals and families who have established endowed funds to support Catholic Social Services and the Catholic Charity Appeal. These funds exist in the Catholic Foundation of Rhode Island and provide annual funding in perpetuity to the appeal.
“Part of our mission in the Office of Stewardship and Development is to serve as the conduit between the donor who wants to make a difference, and the program that needs support. Under the leadership of Bishop Tobin, and with the support of our priests and volunteers, we were able to do that in a special way this year with the Catholic Charity Appeal.”
Those who wish to contribute to the Catholic Charity Appeal can do so at or by calling (401) 277-2121. To learn more about leaving a legacy gift through your estate plans, visit