Diocese blessed by rich faith, service of permanent deacons


WARWICK — On Thursday, Sept. 23, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin welcomed the permanent deacons of the Diocese of Providence to the chapel at Aldrich Mansion in Warwick Neck, for a beautiful evening of prayer, thanks and community.
Many deacons and their wives gathered at the chapel for evening prayer with the bishop. In his blessing to the deacons, Bishop Tobin wanted to recognize the deacons for their devotion to the church, as the diocese begins to celebrate its’ 150th anniversary. For about 45 years, bishop said the permanent deacon program has been a very important part of the diocese.
“We are grateful for all that God has given us for the past 150 years and we look forward to the future with faith, confidence and trust in the Lord’s goodness. I wanted to just gather tonight to thank you, all the other deacons who could not be here tonight, and those who have gone before you, and to your wives as well,” said Bishop Tobin. “Thank you so much for all you have done to make this diocesan church a rich and vibrant expression of God’s presence in our community.”
The bishop asked the deacons to reflect on the inspired work that they do each day, whether it be preaching a homily, teaching a class, ministering to the sick or imprisoned.
“You do so many diverse things and do them so well and so faithfully,” he said. “This diocese would not be as sound as it is today, it would not be so rich in faith if it weren’t for our permanent deacons and the service you and your predecessors have given to this diocesan church for 45 years.”
For a schedule of upcoming events in the 150th anniversary celebration of the Diocese of Providence please visit dioceseofprovidence.org/150.