Get to know a little more about the men you are praying for as they continue to prepare for the priesthood.
Age: 24
Year of Study: Pre-Theology I
Home Parish: St Joseph Church, Central Falls
Where did you grow up and go to school?
My early childhood was spent in Pawtucket before moving to Lincoln. Later on, I attended Lincoln High and eventually went on to study history at Stonehill College. And as my name indicates, I am Polish and my heritage has been a key influence in my upbringing.
What does the word “vocation” mean to you personally?
It may be true that there are as many vocations as there are people, for each person is called to fulfill a unique role which God has willed for them. Yet a “vocation” in the sense referred to here, or as a matter of fact, in its truest sense, pertains to something higher. It means to be called by God to that which is set aside for those whom he has chosen to serve as his representatives, following in the footsteps of the Apostles. Whose priority is to offer sacrifice and thus mediate between God and man. Alongside this primary function of the priest, he administers the Sacraments, preaches the Truth, admonishes sinners and does all in his ability to save souls, for in the end he will account for all those placed in his care.
How did you discern your vocation to the priesthood?
Although my discernment continues, there has always been an unexplainable awareness of God’s call throughout my life. Following a reversion to the faith in college, the thought of priesthood reemerged. Questions were posed by others about the potential of a priestly vocation, which reawakened the idea. And in examining the patterns of my life, I found that the Lord seems to have been prompting me in this direction. All I can say is that if you surrender yourself to God and do not attempt to determine your own future or preoccupy yourself with vanities, he will undoubtedly provide what is necessary to guide you. Admittedly, my personal struggle with abandonment to his providence remains, yet he continues to show me that he is in control and that I ought to simply follow his lead.
What would you say to a young man discerning the priesthood — or maybe hasn’t even considered it at all?
Here it is worth considering St. Paul’s command to “Pray without ceasing.” One’s entire life must be transformed into a conversation with God. Sharing all the joy and suffering you experience with him and striving continuously to entrust yourself to his providence. Allow God to lead you, by always seeking his guidance before embarking on anything. Therefore, alongside the sacramental life, persevere in prayer, make time to adore Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist and develop a fervent devotion to Our Lady. Ultimately, God acts first and we respond with the choice of cooperating with his grace or not.
Is there any person or saint whom you credit with interceding on your behalf to God for your vocational discernment?
Of course, I would like to thank all who have supported me along the way and continue to, especially by their prayers and sacrifices. But I give all credit of my vocational discernment to the Blessed Virgin Mary. For it is through her that I have obtained all the graces necessary to have brought me to where I am now. And so I cannot recommend enough, for laity and clergy alike, the devotion to Our Lady.
Favorite Hobbies and/or fun fact about yourself:
In terms of interests, I am fond of reading and studies particularly dealing with the topics of history and theology.
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