Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
95 results total, viewing 1 - 20
None of us lives as his own master and none of us dies as his own master. While we live we are responsible to the Lord, and when we die, we die as his servants. Both in life and death we are the … more
One of the beautiful things about spring is the new and abundant life that appears. All around us, nature is giving evidence of that new life in the lengthening days, the blooming of plants and … more
An authentic celebration of Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, is such a world-changing, life-changing event that it should inspire in us a tidal wave of emotion, and the growth of important … more
There’s a reason it’s called “Holy Week” and that’s because in these days we will enter into the deepest mysteries of the Christian Faith. In this week we will observe … more
You’re nobody ‘til somebody loves you, You’re nobody ‘til somebody cares. You may be king, you may possess the world and its gold, but gold won’t bring you happiness … more
There are several incidents in the Gospels in which Jesus cured the blind and allowed them to see. These miracles are among the most dramatic miracles that Jesus performed, for they completely … more
You’ve probably seen the TV commercials for the Progressive Insurance Company in which a counsellor, a “Parenta-life Coach” identified as Dr. Rick, tries to stop young adults from … more
I recently came across a random online posting that lists “5 things nobody has in their home anymore.” The list includes DVDs, CDs, a file cabinet, a wall calendar and take out menus. … more
Whenever we say the Confiteor at Holy Mass we confess that we have sinned “in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my … more
Perhaps you saw the national news story about a group of Catholic school students who were “kicked-out” of the Smithsonian Museum for wearing hats that said “Rosary Pro-Life.” … more
I’m thinking of the gentleman who called my office to say that he drove past my house every day, and that he sometimes saw a coyote prowling around, and knew that I walked my little dog in the … more
Upon hearing or reading the words, Dominus vobiscum, Catholics of a mature age, and increasingly today, lots of younger folks, will instinctively respond with, Et cum spiritu tuo. “The Lord be … more
The Church, like the world in which it lives, is a dynamic reality always subject to change. And it’s true of the Church Universal as well as the local Church.The changing Church has been on … more
It is indeed rare that all four Scripture selections at Mass – Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament and Gospel readings – promote an identical message. The New Testament readings … more
Whether it’s for a football player stricken during a Monday night game, or for an ailing pope at the Vatican, or for a persecuted cardinal in China, or for the restoration of peace in Ukraine, … more
I have a framed, printed blessing hanging in my home, a gift from a religious sister in Ohio many years ago. It begins with these words: “May you be steadfast on your journey, powered by the … more
When I see the heavens, the work of your hands, the moon and the stars which you arranged, what is man that you should keep him in mind, mortal man that you care for him? (Ps 8:4-5) Psalm 8 is a … more
Many years ago, I attended a Peter, Paul and Mary concert in Pittsburgh. You know Peter, Paul and Mary – the famous folk group that sang Puff the Magic Dragon, If I Had a Hammer, Blowin’ … more
Watching the stock market these days can drive you crazy. I suppose that’s always true, but especially now when the market is so depressed and volatile. And if you have any investments, and … more
One of the endearing qualities of Catholics is that we have great reverence and affection for our loved ones who have died. This is true throughout the year but especially in November, the month … more
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