Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
82 results total, viewing 41 - 60
A while back I was caught in a major traffic jam on my way to work when a humongous truck, an eighteen-wheeler, was trying to merge into traffic from the entrance ramp. The behemoth was right next to … more
In one of his daily homilies at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis said that “There is no humility without humiliation. If you are not able to put up with some humiliations in your life, you are not … more
Jesus said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” So they went off in a boat by themselves to a deserted place. (Mk 6: 31-32)Without a doubt, summer is … more
“Keep me in your prayers.” Those are words my mom used all the time, especially as she got older, at the end of one of our visits, or in the cards and notes she sent to me. In fact, they are the … more
The month of June is traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the highest human expression of divine love. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the ultimate symbol of God’s mercy. (Pope … more
Recently I celebrated Mass with the religious jubilarians of the Diocese – sisters, brothers and priests – who are celebrating special anniversaries of their religious professions this year. … more
Recently someone asked me if I ever get tired doing Confirmations. The question came up in a conversation about my Confirmation schedule, and the observation that in my 26 years as a bishop I’ve … more
So, one evening not too long ago, I was driving along the Wampanoag Trail when I noticed the cars ahead of me, rounding a curve, tapping their brakes and slowing down. I soon knew why. There was a … more
“The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted.” (Mt 28: 16-17) For a good while now I’ve … more
Especially before and during Pentecost, but on other special occasions as well, our churches echo with the sound of the beautiful and enchanting hymn, Veni, Creator Spiritus. “Come Holy Spirit, … more
I saw an interesting survey recently, from the Pew Research Center, that asked respondents to indicate which local news topics they considered to be important for daily life. Topics included things … more
Dear Bishop Tobin: Ever since I was a child I was a skeptic. I had no hope and didn’t believe anything. But now I am ready to be confirmed. It all changed when I started doing service hours and saw … more
Anytime we stand at the foot of the Cross of Christ we find that we’re not alone. Among others standing there are the Virgin Mary and the Beloved Disciple John. And if we listen attentively we hear … more
After a recent diocesan event, a nice young lady approached me and handed me a little cross, a simple wooden cross with smooth, rounded edges, just a few inches long. She explained that her father … more
One of the traditional practices of Catholics is to “give up” things, to fast and abstain from material comforts and personal attachments. Although it should happen throughout the year, … more
Perhaps you remember a catchy little song from the 1970s, by the British band 10cc, called “The Things We Do for Love.” The whimsical tune describes some of the crazy, unpredictable things … more
One of the outstanding communities of religious women serving in the Diocese of Providence is named the “Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Word.” The community, based in Mexico, is committed to … more
One of the plagues of our modern, technological society is the need to have and remember passwords. The dreaded passwords are required to log on to your computer, smartphone, social media accounts, … more
Recently I made a quick trip to my hometown of Pittsburgh to visit family and friends. One of the rewarding things about my visit was being surrounded once again by the familiar black and gold of the … more
If you attended a Catholic school, you probably learned the practice of writing “JMJ” at the top of your paper. It was a lovely little reminder to honor Jesus, Mary and Joseph every day, and to … more
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