Father John A. Kiley
661 results total, viewing 61 - 80
The newly-crowned King Charles III of the United Kingdom has two sons who almost daily seize international headlines. William, the Prince of Wales, and his wife Kate happily fill the pages of … more
Many believers were taught as children that the easiest way to recall the goals of prayer was to remember the simple word “PART.” Petition, Adoration, Reparation and Thanksgiving are all … more
St. Josephine Bakhita, taken from Africa and confined as a domestic slave during her early life, famously forgave her former owners, saying, “If I were to meet those who kidnapped me, and even … more
Strange as it might seem, the word “Church” appears only twice in the Gospel accounts. Both instances are found in St. Matthew’s Gospel narrative. The word Church occurs first when … more
Although southern Europe has had a number of theological rebels like Giodano Bruno and Giralomo Savonarola, the lion’s share of Reformation renegades thrived in northern Europe. Certainly, … more
St. Paul is clearly stressed in the second reading from Romans at Mass this coming Sunday that his Jewish brothers and sisters did not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of all mankind. The … more
Three millennia ago, as recalled in this coming Sunday’s first reading, a young King Solomon determined that the greatest endowment God could give him as he began his reign as ruler of the … more
The various books in the New Testament were not written days or even weeks or even months after Jesus returned to his Father in heaven. The sacred written word had at least 30 years to mature and … more
There are more than 900 churches in the city of Rome. Wikipedia curiously notes that “most, but not all, of these are Catholic.” Of these near thousand churches, 66 are designated as … more
The Old Testament Book of Jeremiah (the longest book of the Bible written by one person) mixes tough personal biography with harsh Jewish history and some hopeful prophecy. Jeremiah was born into a … more
The four Gospel accounts were not composed by SS. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John sitting around a large table in the Upper Room reviving memories and comparing notes. The Gospel accounts took shape at … more
Present day Roman Catholics are well aware of the heretical notions concerning the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist that Luther, Zwingli, Cranmer and Calvin propagated in the 16th and … more
“O God, our refuge and our strength…,” begins a traditional prayer for the needs of the Church. “Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus..,” introduces the prayer … more
A line of Scripture that should give every believer a moment’s pause is found in today’s second reading for the Solemnity of Pentecost. In his first letter to the church at Corinth, St. … more
The Ascension of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into heaven is perhaps, no, is definitely the most convoluted event in salvation history. All four evangelists take note of Jesus’ return to … more
Catholics who have the opportunity of participating at Mass in various churches will certainly notice a variety in the vestments worn by the celebrants. An amice of plain cloth first may be placed … more
The ancient Jews had two places of prayer. After the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Greek by the seventy scholars in Alexandria, Egypt, the synagogue system grew steadily throughout the … more
Modern believers have probably acquired more information about Biblical shepherds from Christmas cards than from the Scriptures themselves. Generally thought to be gentle, kindly, caring men, … more
Rothenburg, Germany, located on the Tauber River, about halfway between Nuremburg and Frankfurt, is the world’s supreme Christmas Tree Shop. The village abounds with brightly cloaked Father … more
A child with severe physical challenges was found on the steps of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris sometime during the Middle Ages. The passers-by who noticed him were quite taken-aback by the little … more
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