Bishop Thomas J. Tobin - Without a Doubt
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(The following is an interview I didn’t have, but can imagine having, with President Obama.) BISHOP TOBIN: First of all, Mr. President, congratulations on your election and inauguration. … more
It’s true, isn’t it, that when you roll out of bed in the morning, you never know what the day will hold for you? more
The joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the people of our time, especially of those who are poor or afflicted, are the joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the followers of Christ as well. Nothing that is genuinely human fails to find an echo in their hearts. (GS #1) more
The story of Christmas wouldn’t be complete without the appearance of the Magi, the Three Kings. Their journey, described only in the Gospel of Matthew, adds a sense of wonder and mystery to Christmas. The Biblical account leaves more questions than answers, however. more
Each year, throughout the Advent Season, three Biblical personalities dominate the liturgical stage. The first is Isaiah, whose prophecies describe in beautiful and soaring language the peace, justice and joy of the Kingdom of God. more
These fours words from St. John’s Gospel provide a perfect description of the situation here in New England at this time of the year. The days are short and the nights are long. more
I received word recently that my first grade teacher, Sister Claudia Kunzler, OSB, passed away. Sr. Claudia died at the age of 79 and in the 61st year of religious life. more
“Those who believe that religion and politics aren’t connected don’t understand either.” Those words of Mahatma Gandhi, several decades old, certainly apply to the situation we find ourselves in today as we prepare for our national elections. more
The fact that November 2nd, the Commemoration of All Souls Day, falls on a Sunday this year, provides us with a perfect opportunity to recall and proclaim the central teaching of the Church about the mystery of life, death and resurrection. more
I saw a “Peanuts” cartoon recently that seemed especially timely. The kids are playing baseball and little Linus, in full catcher’s gear walks out to the pitcher’s mound and announces to Charlie Brown, “The bases are loaded again, and there’s still nobody out.” more
I was falling asleep one night awhile back, listening to the radio as I always do, when I happened upon a preacher reflecting on the Letter of St. James, particularly the section that describes the power of speech. more
As summer fades and a new “work year” begins, perhaps it’s a good time for our diocesan Church to reflect, evaluate and plan. Where are we going in the year ahead? What are our strengths and weaknesses? And what are the challenges we face? more
In the previous issue of The Rhode Island Catholic I began a description of what I believe are some of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council that have been “forgotten, abandoned or undervalued” in the implementation and application of the Council. more
It’s over forty years now since the end of the Second Vatican Council, almost two generations in human terms, but in the long history of the Church, not much more than a blink of an eye. more
What an understatement, this prophecy of Pope Paul VI about how his encyclical Humanae Vitae would be received by members of the Church and others. more
“Well, it’s the Fourth of July; summer’s almost over,” my mom proclaimed each year as the nation’s birthday approached. more
Excitement is growing as the Diocese of Providence looks forward to the ordination of five new priests – the largest class we’ve had for a while. more
“Vatican: It’s OK to believe in aliens.” Now there’s a headline that captures attention. And it’s the Associated Press headline that appeared a few weeks ago, introducing an intriguing interview Father Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit Director of the Vatican Observatory, gave to L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper. more
Recently I was greeting people at the door of the church following a parish Mass when a lady approached me and said, “Bishop, would you please tell our pastor to put the daily Mass back to 9:00 o’clock instead of 8:00 o’clock where it is now? more
Pentecost is often called the “Birthday of the Church” since on that day the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and brought them together in a new and marvelous unity; on that day they became the Body of Christ. more
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