Coach Dan Koppen plans to bring his leadership, resilience and pedigree to take La Salle’s acclaimed football program to the next level.

Former Patriot to lead new era of La Salle Academy football

PROVIDENCE — Br. Dennis Malloy, FSC, president of La Salle Academy has announced that Dan Koppen will serve as the new head coach of the La Salle Academy football program. Coach Koppen was …
Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, left, signs a declaration during the world leaders’ summit on children’s rights as Pope Francis, center, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, right, Franciscan Father Enzo Fortunato, president of the Pontifical Committee for the World Day of Children and Aldo Cagnoli, vice president of the same committee, standing behind Al Gore, look on at the Vatican Feb. 3, 2025.

Pope will prepare papal document to help church promote children’s rights

VATICAN CITY — Wrapping up a Vatican summit on the rights of children, Pope Francis announced he was going to publish a papal document dedicated to children. He called the Feb. 3 summit venue …
The diocesan Office of Life and Family Ministry sponsored a Holy Mass for Life, in thanksgiving for the gift of life, on Sunday, Jan. 26 at Immaculate Conception Parish, Cranston. Rev. Msgr. Albert A. Kenney, S.T.L., diocesan administrator, was the main celebrant and Rev. Edward J. Wilson, Jr., pastor of Immaculate Conception, was the homilist.

Love is central theme at Immaculate Conception Mass for Life

CRANSTON ­— What does it mean to be pro-life? That was the central question of Father Edward Wilson’s homily at the annual Mass for Life at Immaculate Conception Church in Cranston on …
Students from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, carry the March for Life banner at the front of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 24, 2025.

‘Great spirit of hope’ animates pro-life advocates at 2025 March for Life

WASHINGTON — The theme of the 52nd National March for Life was “Life: Why We March,” and for the thousands of people gathered on the National Mall in the freezing cold Jan. 24, …
Sharon Foley, a parishioner of St. Margaret Parish in Rumford, has been diagnosed with stage 4 chronic kidney disease and is hopeful that a living donor may feel called to help change her life.

St. Margaret’s Parishioner Seeks a Living Kidney Donor

RUMFORD — Waiting is never fun, but in some cases the stakes are high indeed. For the 295 Rhode Islanders waiting for a kidney transplant as of May, 2024, the three- to five-year wait to find a …

Catholics, Hippocrates, and reforming American medicine

I am the odd man out in a family of medical folk. My maternal grandfather was a physician; his daughter, my mother, was a medical technologist; my mother-in-law, a nurse. My brother is a physician; …

The perennial Presence of Christ in his Church should enliven every willing believer

The reader can certainly sympathize with the young Isaiah who is awed by “the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment filling the temple.” At the sound of …

The importance of incorporating the faith into your daily life

The bus for LaSalle arrived at my corner at 8 a.m. every school day. On exam days, my mother and I could attend the 7 a.m. Mass at the nearby Polish church, get home to eat breakfast quickly, and …

Special Event Listings for 02.06.25

Young Adult Holy Hour & Social WEST WARWICK — St. Anthony Church, 1 Sunset Ave., will hold a Young Adult Holy Hour & Social on February 7, 7 – 9:30 p.m. The evening will include …


In Gratitude for Consecrated Life

By Father Ryan W. Connors Last week the Church throughout the world observed the World Day for Consecrated Life. This annual celebration offers an occasion to thank God for the gift consecrated …